What is credit? How does it impact you?

Credit cards are a staple in this world, and for many of us, we understand that, but do we really know what credit is and precisely how it works? Nowadays, you can throw a rock and hit someone carrying a credit card in their wallet. Most likely, you have multiple credit cards with different banks that offer various rewards every […]

What is inflation and how does it work?

The inspiration for this article occurred because I saw how Big Mac burgers from McDonald’s are more expensive than ever, thanks to inflation. Now, I haven’t had a Big Mac since high school. However, I was pissed off when I realized it currently costs on average around $6.05 compared to $1.60 in 1986!   Now that I am an adult, I […]

What is a marginal tax rate and why is it important?

This is a question that I definitely don’t ever remember learning in school! What’s more unfortunate is that most of us have never known what a marginal tax rate is, yet we pay it every day. I wanted to create this article because I wanted you to better understand what this concept means and how it impacts your life, especially […]